Thursday, June 27, 2013

Good morning from Nellore, India,

It’s Thursday morning here and the three teams will begin their work in earnest today. Yesterday we traveled together by train to Nellore where the BELC hosted a welcome ceremony for the Mission Helpers. Then…the unexpected/expected happened…I was given 1 ½ hours and asked to teach a lesson to the pastors who had gathered to welcome us.  We discussed portions of Ephesians and applications to the pastoral ministry. David Lueck gave a short presentation on teaching the Trinity to children using a banana as a visual aid.

The team that will be working with Matt Ude returned to Chennai after the welcome ceremony and the other two teams met with the pastors that we will be working with. We also spent a few hours assembling the crafts and gifts that we will be giving to the children.

The team that will be working with the CLCI will be leaving after breakfast today. They will teach their first lessons later today.

My team will be heading out at around 10:00 am this morning to help with the painting of a church and then later this evening we will teach our first lessons to the children of the same congregation.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Your brother and fellow servant of our Savior,

Pastor Ohlmann

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